Representing Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer Victims Nationwide


Michael Weinstock is an accomplished asbestos attorney.

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer or asbestos-related cancer? If so, you may be eligible for compensation. A renowned, New York- based mesothelioma lawyer, Michael Weinstock has obtained multi-million dollar verdicts for asbestos-related cases. He has reclaimed hundreds of millions of dollars for asbestos victims, mesothelioma and lung cancer patients. If you or a family member was affected by asbestos-exposure, start exploring your legal options with Law Offices of Michael Weinstock today.

Two men are talking on the street.
Michael Weinstock, in Glen Cove, New York
A fireman is shaking hands with another firefighter.
Governor George Pataki speaking with Michael Weinstock, at Ground Zero

Michael Weinstock has personal experience with asbestos exposure.

Michael Weinstock is passionate about helping others. He became a volunteer firefighter on his eighteenth birthday and he became an EMT shortly afterwards.  When the tragedy of 9/11 struck, he hailed down an ambulance and headed straight for Ground Zero; where he joined his brother firefighters on the pile of rubble.


Today, Michael suffers from CRPS, a rare neurological pain disease that is linked to the toxins that rescue workers inhaled at Ground Zero. Michael has an intimate understanding of asbestos exposure and toxins.  He is pleased to answer questions and help families manage their priorities. Book a free consultation today.

A blue and white icon of a building

We are passionate in our representation of people with lung cancer and mesothelioma clients and working tirelessly on their behalf to recover large settlements.

Committed To Helping Our Clients Succeed

Why Choose Law Offices of Michael Weinstock?

  • Our law firm is devoted to helping victims of Mesothelioma and their families

    Law Offices of Michael Weinstock is a nationally-recognized firm for our work representing men and women who have mesothelioma or have been exposed to asbestos.

  • Our Clients Are Nationwide

    We represent clients in all 50 states of the United States, either with our
    own in-house lawyers, or via strong partnerships with top law firms throughout the country.

  • Outstanding Industry Knowledge of Asbestos

    Michael Weinstock uses in-depth knowledge he has of the asbestos
    industry to build the strongest case for you.

  • Up-to-date Medical Knowledge of Mesothelioma Treatment

    As he personally goes for an annual cancer screening for 9/11 first-
    responders, Michael Weinstock is completely updated on the most recent developments of the research, diagnosis, and treatment of mesothelioma and other diseases related to asbestos-exposure.

  • No Legal Fees Until We Get A Settlement

    Law Offices of Michael Weinstock functions on a contingency fee principle.
    Nothing gets paid until we get a settlement, in which case we get a percentage.

  • Free Initial Consultation

    What are you waiting for? Your first initial consult is free - book it now!

Volunteerism: More than Money